Civil Engineering


Our in-house team will provide the design services including civil engineering, selection of structural engineering consultants, M/E/P engineering consultants, space planners and interior design consultants, coordination and procurement of furnishings, relocation planning, general equipment and technology. Our advantage is having our own architectural, engineering and construction professionals. 

  • Site analysis
  • Zoning studies
  • Drainage studies
  • Grading
  • Site plan design and approvals
  • Pond design
  • Earthwork volume calculation
  • Construction site permitting
  • Sewer and water utility extensions
  • Public street extensions
  • Stormwater inspections
  • Streetscapes
  • Rain Gardens

Our project architect and the civil engineer work closely to design, develop and provide you with the most economical and functional site for your project. We will incorporate all aspects including vehicle and pedestrian traffic focusing on life safety, lighting and security, utilities, etc. Our relationships  with the local jurisdictions help with a seamless approval process so that your end vision and project goals are achieved.